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Moien in Luxembourg!
Moien in Luxembourg!
Since we started youth4planet Luxembourg with the support of the ministry of environment, the Luxembourg activities have become a major driver of concept development and practice. Over the course of five years we organized film and storytelling processes in almost every school or youth context and implemented the idea of action teams in the country.

Luxemburg around the World
Youth4planet became a regular contributor of ideas and workshops at sustainability events like the BNE Foire, ClimateExpo. We represented the country at international conferences like COP26 in Glasgow, COP27 in Egypt, GP2022 in Bali or organized film challenges like the earthbeat challenge as an international format as well.
Action Teams
Youth action teams will become our new model for action countrywide. They can be activated wherever young people come together, learn together, have fun together. Y4P supports them with tools for creative action and helps to develop their “future” skills like storytelling, leadership, responsibility. Peer teaching and coaching can now happen in every community. Mobile media bikes are enabling local dialogue about common values or concrete ideas for transformation towards the SDG goals.
Currently we start working with 10-12 year old students in primary schools up to the age of university students. Guided by our principles we empower cross-gender and cross-generational cooperation.

Festivals and presentations
Regularly the films and projects of our participants are presented at climate fairs or local or regional film festivals. Several have won awards. We train students to facilitate local events in their communities and develop ideas for climate action and communication.
Our goal is to support other NGOs and organizations with our storytelling methods and tools. Co-operation is key to reach the global goals together, nationally and internationally.
Blog Posts tagged with youth4planet Luxembourg

Lots of new storytelling projects in Luxembourg
Many new Youth4planet storytelling projects are running throughout Luxembourg this spring/summer.You can see an example of what these projects look like in this film about

New Song about feelings
During the 2023 summer holidays, a weekly project was once again held in cooperation with the Maison Relais Rosport. The aim: to produce a rap

CreatiVelo meets changemakers at the Solar Prize from Eurosolar Luxembourg
Every two years, Eurosolar Luxembourg awards prizes for the best projects related to the energy transition. There are several categories ranging from energy production to

CreatiVelo meets “De Waasserrad Projet”
You may know that Luxembourg’s biggest hydropower plant is located at the ‘Stauséi’ near Esch-sur-Sûre. But do you know about one of Luxembourg’s smallest water

The last preparations of our youth reporters from the LRSL_Actionteam4future – a news report from RTL
Last Friday, our youth reporters from the LRSL_Actionteam4future (from Lycée Robert-Schuman Highschool) made their final preparations before joining our COP28-Team for the Climate Action Dialogue.

How a luxembourgish CreatiVelo came to Dubai to COP28
The CreatiVelo plays a crucial role at the Climate Action Dialogue @COP28. It will be an interview point, an exchange place for ideas, and a
Videos tagged with youth4planet Luxembourg


André Oldenburg
y4p coach, youth4planet Luxembourg
Hey, mein Name ist André Oldenburg, für Y4P-Luxemburg seit Dezember 2018 unterwegs. Ich wohne in Trier/Deutschland, bin Sozialpädagoge, medienaffin, Punk-Musiker, bin gerne draußen, verheiratet und Vater von zwei Kindern. Ich…
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Jan Holler
Directorate, y4p coach, youth4planet International, youth4planet Luxembourg
Moien und Moin, Moin aus Hamburg. Dort habe ich 2016/17 den Youth4planet Storytelling-Prozess zum ersten Mal an eine Schule gebracht und konnte in diesem Projekt meine Leidenschaft für Film, Theater…
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Joerg Altekruse
Communicator, Founder, Initiator, Strategist, earthbeat, youth4planet International, youth4planet Luxembourg
Joerg Altekruse, film director/producer/socialentrepreneur/academic/generalthinker.org, president of the German charity association Youth4planet e.V. (joerg@youth4planet.org) as well as the Youth4planet a.s.b.l., Luxembourg, is a lifelong filmmaker and producer, based in Hamburg, Germany, with…
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Julia Ruhmann
Communicator, Design, Executive, Initiator, Method- and concept-developer, networker, Promoter, Storyteller Advanced, y4p coach, youth4planet Luxembourg
Hello, my name is Julia and I was born and raised in Luxembourg. As an artist, communication designer and meditation leader, I have been actively supporting "Y4P Lëtzebuerg" since March 2021…
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Tarquin Ramsey
earthbeat facilitator, y4p coach, earthbeat, youth4planet Luxembourg
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