Your adventure in sustainability starts here — join the CreatiVelo Challenge 2024!  Find out more


What we do
The why, the when and the where
Long term impact with y4p action teams
Our mobile event studio
Global film challenges


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for multipliers

Support your students to find their story

Rely on a proven concept and structure. Prepare them with future skills.

for multipliers

Support your students to find their story

Rely on a proven concept and structure. Prepare them with future skills.


our approach

Project based learning

y4p has developed a process that supports teams in realising film projects around sustainability topics. This includes environmental protection, racism, equality, transportation, and more.

y4p offers a variety of creative possibilities for film production. This includes short films, documentaries, reports, music videos, and animations (such as stop-motion or clay animation).
Our approach is centered around the ideas and wishes of the participants, developing their content and topical design in consultation with their educational staff.

benefits for learning

5 C's of learning

The educational benefits of our program include sensitizing for sustainability and social issues, developing media literacy, and promoting various soft skills such as teamwork, self-organization, self-efficacy, curiosity, and communication skills.
By participating in our program, your students will gain valuable experience that can help them navigate the world more effectively and make a positive impact on society.




critical thinking


Theme centered interaction

The process-oriented concept

Successful group processes require productive cooperation, with sensitive support from the group leader, who should focus on participants’ cooperation through units for reflecting, jointly developed rules, appreciative feedback, and conscious handling of difficulties, conflicts, and competition. Topic-Centred Interaction (TCI) is a professional concept for planning, implementing, and reflecting on learning and group processes. TCI supports individuals’ personal responsibility and potential to work creatively and productively in groups, with the teacher as a learning coach guiding the process with an appreciative attitude at eye level.

Learn more
  • Find common topic
  • Agree on value basis
  • Accept differences
  • Define roles
  • Pursuing co-creative goals
  • Being open for new things
  • Find topic
  • Research facts
  • Develop a research question
  • Decide to take responsibility
    for your topic
  • Find Group Rules

  • Respect others

  • Develop trust

  • Solve conflicts

  • Become your own „Chairperson”

A Day With y4p

An example of first workshop day with youth4planet

  • Introduction

    • Introduction process with games
    • General info about Y4P and the project
    • Team building
  • 2
  • Thematic introduction

    • What does sustainability actually mean?

    • What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

  • 3
  • Elements of a film

    • What does a film consist of? (Group exercise)

    • Lighting, sound, image composition, editing, interviewing

    • Practical exercises in groups

  • 4
  • Story Development

    • Story Research
    • How to structure a film?

    • Tips and tricks

    • Practical group exercises

  • 5
  • Presentation of first results

    • How to present a project

    • Take and give feedback

    • Discussion
  • 6
  • Planning the next steps

    • How to present yourself in front of a camera

    • Finding topic and team

    • How to use templates for script and development

  • Workshops for everyone

    Y4P film projects can be integrated into any school lesson, project day, theme week or even as a vacation project in your school or institution. Just contact us for an individual workshop design. Your own ideas are very welcome!

    Here are some examples of a storytelling process:

    • Option 1
      Longterm sustainability process
      • Initial workshop 1-3 hours
      • Subsequent process: +/- 10 weeks, 1 appointment/week, 1-3 hours each (y4p not always on site – students work independently under educators guidance)
      • Topics (selection): Climate change/environmental protection, equality, racism, etc.
      • Goal: Small groups produce short films on a specific topic.
      • Advantage: Long-term awareness process
    • Option 2
      Cooperation project
      • Duration: like option 1
      • Thematic input comes from cooperation partner (e.g. Fairtrade LU)
      • Goal: Small groups produce a short film on a specific topic.
      • Advantage: Expert knowledge and topical guidance from partner organization
    • Option 3
      Project Week
      • 1 week
      • Advantage 1: intensive examination of the respective topic
      • Advantage 2: intensive group dynamics, teamwork, motivation
      • Goal: small groups produce a short film on a specific topic
      • Combinable with cooperation partner (as in option 2)
    • Option 4
      Music Project
      • Topic: In consultation with teacher / group leader / participants.
      • Duration: Minimum 2–4 days incl. production of a song with video
      • Content: Rap workshop, theater / acting exercises. Participants write a rap text, record and produce a video.

    When we as a community really see that what we do makes a difference, we keep moving. That’s how we can tackle climate change, but also other major challenges, together.

    Nick Krichewski
    Lehrer und BNE-Beauftragter, Hildesheim

    I was super surprised at how creative they get and how much they like researching and calculating. I usually address them [the pupils] in a more humanistic way in class and more with words, and now they are also approached to work a bit more scientifically. And of course the students who are interested find that really cool.

    Jutta Ruhmann
    Lehrerin, Schumann Gymnasium, Luxemburg

    One should not forget that the children are in principle the ones who suffer from what we have screwed up in the last decades. That’s why we ourselves are totally sensitive to all these environmental issues and also this energy issue. You can tell right away that the kids are up for it!

    y4p educator

    We have so many students who can get involved, who have ideas, who can actually show what they are capable of and what is possible. Not only in Germany, but all over the world, young people are joining forces and realising what they can do, experiencing effectiveness, learning about meaning, and also – en passant – realising where energy can be found.

    Margret Rasfeld
    Schule im Aufbruch, Frei-Day

    Actually for me it was the school that made me take the first steps to act! […] Luxembourg is doing a lot to educate more about climate change. For example, we have y4p, who are working together with the government and we have more and more topics about climate change in class.

    Student and activist from Luxemburg

    I don’t believe that young people can go out here and change the world. Immediately, from one moment to the next. They don’t have the tools. But I think it definitely gives the first impulse. It shows the way. I do think so!

    Janine Wahl

    I also think this idea of storytelling in conjunction with the sustainability goals makes total sense – because they just need to get out the door and can work. That’s great!

    Marlit Jankowski
    Gemeinschaftsschule Ossenmoorpark

    I would like to see more room for creativity in schools, but also more support and more material. What can I do with the students? So, for example, what we have now with y4p. We have a concept, we have an idea. I, as a teacher, just have to bring that to my class and I’m also caught up a little bit with the ideas here.

    Katharina Parade
    Stadtteilschule Bahrenfeld, Hamburg

    The smartphones need to become tools for the kids and that’s happening here through y4p and the students who are here.

    Hendrik Weber
    Stadtteilschule Winterhude, Hamburg

    They are activated. You could tell. They’re not good at editing film yet. And yet they get down to it and want to create a product that is good. And then they learn a lot about how to deal with the media and the medium. But they also get caught up in the problem.

    Max von Redecker
    Stadtteilschule Bahrenfeld
    Get in touch

    Book a workshop

    Empower your students with storytelling and future skills. Book our proven y4p film- and storytelling workshops and use mobile phones or tablets for effective imaging and editing. Find out how you can create a positive impact on society with your students.

    Contact us

    Taking action


    If your students want to take a topic from film into action, they could create a campaign, i.e. taking the bike to go to school. Or they could create a sustainable product, write articles (for our blog), create a film series and so on. There is a lot of room for empowering creativity.

    More about campaigns

    Achieve more together

    Action Teams

    When your students catch fire and want to do more, we can discuss further options. You could support action teams in your institution, that want to take responsibility for transformation and change for sustainability. This could expand into your community and involve participating in international cooperation, e.g. attending climate conferences and exchange with students and action teams worldwide.

    Learn about action teams

    Take Your Message to the Streets

    Our CreatiVelo is a mobile creation and dialogue platform that can reach out to communities and is connecting ideas through storytelling and film.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do you have a question?

    There are kids in my class who don't want/are not allowed to be filmed. Can I still do a y4p project?

    Absolutely. Tasks behind the camera are also just as important as tasks in front of the camera.

    Can I lead a y4p process even if I have little technical know-how?

    As digital natives, the children are able to implement most things technically without much guidance. What they need is a guide to the content. For this, as well as the basic technical know-how, we provide teaching material including a manual.

    What are the costs?

    In Luxembourg there are no additional costs as y4p is funded by the Ministry. For workshops outside, please contact us for a no binding offer.

    How much time should I plan for a workshop?

    We respond flexibly to your individual needs and will be happy to create a customized concept for you. For good results, we recommend a minimum duration of 6 hours – but this is not set in stone.

    Which school subject combines well with a y4p workshop?

    In Luxembourg, we have had good experience with VISO, as this content from the curriculum corresponds 1:1 with the 17 sustainability goals. Essentially, any subject can be considered for a y4p process.

    From which age group can a y4p process be carried out?

    A youth4planet process is basically suitable for almost any age group. From experience, children and young people from the 4th grade are fully able to work freely on their projects in group work. But younger children can also learn a lot – they just have to be taken more by the hand.

    Ask your own question


    What are the Sustainable Development Goals and how do we apply them in our work?


    Youth of the planet unite! Read and sign our manifesto for a better future!

    Meet The Team

    youth4planet thrives because of our passionate team members. Learn more about our background and what drives us.
    woman holding green leafed seedling

    Our Mission

    Learn more about our mission and vision
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