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What we do
The why, the when and the where
Long term impact with y4p action teams
Our mobile event studio
Global film challenges


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From Hamburg to Luxemburg and into the world

Youthplanet is a non-profit organisation based in Hamburg (e.V.) and Luxembourg (a.s.b.l). We has a plethora of intriguing tales to share – from embarking on a group expedition with young people to Greenland, to conducting initial workshops with kids and journeying on solar-powered e-bikes to the Climate Conference in Glasgow.


From Hamburg to Luxemburg and into the world

Youthplanet is a non-profit organisation based in Hamburg (e.V.) and Luxembourg (a.s.b.l). We has a plethora of intriguing tales to share – from embarking on a group expedition with young people to Greenland, to conducting initial workshops with kids and journeying on solar-powered e-bikes to the Climate Conference in Glasgow.


Who we are

We’re a passionate team dedicated to creating a sustainable and just future. We believe in empowering young people to make a difference, and we love working with kids and students. Together, we create innovative solutions to environmental challenges and value collaboration and inclusivity. Our vision is a world where sustainability and justice guide every decision, and we work tirelessly to make it a reality. We’re committed to making a difference and invite you to join us on this journey.


What we have to say

„The workshop work with the young people, the networking as well as the collaboration with a super great, interdisciplinary team show me every day how meaningful work can be. Y4P is simply fun.”

y4p Coach, Luxembourg

„My mission is to be a source of inspiration for the workshop participants and to light a fire of interest, curiosity, enthusiasm, joy, self-efficacy and self-confidence in them.”

y4p Coach, Luxembourg

„In 2017, I had the pleasure of meeting my dear film colleague Joerg in Berlin and he introduced me to the idea of y4p. It resonated with me instantly, and since then, y4p has become a passion project for me.“

Co-founder y4p Luxembourg

„For me, the best thing about our projects is that the children learn so much more than just capturing good images while making films. They can contribute their interests and talents, feel their self-efficacy and we learn together for life and the future. Every project is completely different!“

y4p Coach and Co-founder

„Through the power of digital collaboration and action-based learning, we can harness our collective creativity and achieve incredible goals for the betterment of our planet and its people.“

Founder of y4p


calendar, dates, schedule
white and blue building under white clouds during daytime
klimaexpo Julia + André 7. Okt 2022

Foundation in Hamburg

YOUTH4PLANET comes into the world and travels to the Arctic with a group of international young people to look at climate change on the ground. The young people document their impressions in films and apply the principle of storytelling developed by Y4P for the first time. The films were shown at the climate conference in Paris in 2015.


First workshops in Hamburg

Now it was important to reach more young people for the topic of “sustainability”. The next step was to go into the schools!

The first storytelling workshops take place at the Stadtteilschule Winterhude in Hamburg. The project ends with an action day where the kids present their productions: A rap song on the topic of “plastic”, a stage show with recycled clothes and the introduction of a jute bag designed by the kids as an alternative to plastic bags.


Youth4planet comes to Luxembourg

Through a joint film production, filmmaker and Y4P founder Joerg Altekruse (Hamburg) and Luxembourg producer Paul Thiltges get to know each other and exchange ideas about Y4P. Paul is so enthusiastic that he brings Y4P to Luxembourg. An ASBL is founded, the Ministry of the Environment is brought on board and the first pilot workshops take place in Luxembourg.

Netherlands flag on top of pole during day

First workshops in Luxemburg

With the support of the Ministry of Environment and the permission of the Ministry of Education to implement the Y4P idea in Luxembourg’s school landscape, the first workshops are taking place in various schools. The mission: Young people should get in touch with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and produce short films that result in a lifestyle change.


Training for multipliers

The first Y4P training courses for teachers and multipliers take place at IFEN and Forum Geesseknäppchen. The participants learn the storytelling principle and are now able to carry out their own film processes in their school classes.


Special Projects

The methods and concepts are rapidly expanding, some special projects are taking place:

  • Dustbuster project In Esch (Lycée Hubert Clement): In cooperation with, young people carry out air measurements in Esch and document their results in films.
  • UN Global Festival of action in Bonn: A small group of young people from the Lycée Aline Mayrisch travel to Bonn with Y4P and produce a short documentary about the festival.
  • ON STEITSCH-Festival: A group of young reporters from Luxembourg produce a reportage about the youth festival ON STEITSCH with the help of Y4P.
  • Regatta project: Youth4planet accompanies the Lycée Hubert Clement on a sailing regatta in Bretange and documents the experiences in a film.

Filmfestivals in Luxemburg and Hamburg

Festivals are held in both Youth4planet locations, where project results and films are presented by the young people. Luxembourg’s Environment Minister Carole Dieschbourg and Education Minister Claude Meisch are among the enthusiastic spectators in Luxembourg. The young people experience self-efficacy and are very proud of their results.


Y4P films at international film competitions

First films by young people are nominated at the film festivals Cinematerre (France) and Creajeune (Greater Region Lux-D-FR-Bel).


The Covid Time Begins

After a fast start to the year with some exciting projects, the coronavirus is making its way into Luxembourg. In close cooperation with the SCRIPT, Y4P is developing new methods that are particularly feasible in homeschooling.


Film projects as well as further training for teachers are now also carried out online.

In addition, all workshop content is now also available in digital form.


"Between Times" wins at the Creajeune Film Festival

The music video for the first Lockdown, “Zwischen Zeiten”, won an award at the Creajeune Film Festival.


Many new cooperations

Despite difficult circumstances due to the pandemic, Y4P will continue to expand its network in 2020 and carry out various cooperation projects with Fairtrade, Emweltberodung, the IKL (Centre for Intercultural Learning), Info Handicap LU and the Letzebuerger Guiden a Scouten, among others.


New Projects

Neben vielen neuen Schulprojekten führt Y4P auch einige Projekte in der außerschulischen Bildung durch:

  • The Voice of nature (in Kooperation mit natur&emwelt), Rapprojekt mit Musik aus Naturmaterialien
  • Wir können es schaffen: Rapmusik/Videoprojekt in den Sommerferien in der Maison Relais Rosport.

The CreatiVelos see the light of day

Y4P immediately has three electrically powered cargo bikes with monitors and sound systems at its disposal as mobile educational venues.

August 2021

Earthbeat Tour Glasgow for COP

With a group of young people from Luxembourg, Y4P travels to the World Climate Conference in Glasgow with the CreatiVelos. Storytelling events will be held at different locations along the way and stories will be collected for the COP.

September 2021

The LRSL Actionteam4future establishes itself

Originating from Y4P film projects in different classes at LRSL, a group of young climate activists is formed and from now on meets weekly together with Y4P to organise and carry out actions in and outside the school on the topic of sustainability.


"We can do it" wins at Creajeune

Das im letzten Jahr in der Maison Relais Rosport entstandene Musikvideo landet auf dem ersten Platz der Kathegorie „Umweltfilme!


Climate Expo

Together with the LRSL Actionteam4future, Y4P presents itself with a CreatiVelo at the Climate Expo in Luxembourg. The new Minister of the Environment, Joëlle Welfring, also visits the organisation’s stand.


Power on Pyramids – COP27 in Egypt

This year, Y4P is again on site at the World Climate Conference in Egypt and is conducting storytelling workshops in a local school. In cooperation with the German artist Joy Lohmann, a floating pyramid made of waste will be built with young people at the COP.


The Energy Detectives

In the new Y4P project, young people explore where they can save energy in their everyday lives and at school. They document their ideas in films.


Table Ronde at the LRSL

With the help of Y4P, the LRSL Actionteam4future organises a round table in the school auditorium with representatives from science, politics and the education system. Many questions about the future are discussed there. The press reports enthusiastically.

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