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10. Reduced inequalities
Blog Posts tagged with Reduced inequalities

A year of CreatiVelo in india – a retrospect
I am so proud of what Paul and his team from 1Gen are achieving in India with the Youth4planet and CreatiVelo self-learning path. We are

Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction
Earthbeat has been attending the Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia, as part of our Earthbeat Challenge, From Risk to Resilience, organised in

Internet speeds and the effects of climate change couldn’t stop us!
On Saturday 26th June, Earthbeat kicked of the summer with a virtual training session that was truly global! Representing 7 countries, and reaching around the

Take part in the Earthbeat and UNDRR video challenge
Earthbeat has joined forces with UNDRR to launch a new global youth video challenge, addressing the theme of Risk to Resilience’. We want to amplify

Indigenous sustainability – What can the Indigenous of the Arctic and Australia teach the modern world?
Here I am, Kalinda Palmer, possibly the first Australian Aboriginal to reflect in North Greenland, where the peaceful and inevitable landscape encourages one to do

Our common humanity
On boarding our flight in Nuuk yesterday morning, we noticed a small face peering through the circular plane window. She was a sweet little girl
Videos tagged with Reduced inequalities

The 17 targets
The Sustainable Development Goals
Find out about each goal and what kind of content (Videos, Posts etc) youth4planet provides.