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15. Life on land
Blog Posts tagged with Life on land

Our Forests, Our Responsibility: Insights from a Leader in Private Forestry
Last August, we had the immense privilege of speaking with and interviewing Hubert de Schorlemer. Hubert is a prominent figure in the forestry community. For

Lots of new storytelling projects in Luxembourg
Many new Youth4planet storytelling projects are running throughout Luxembourg this spring/summer.You can see an example of what these projects look like in this film about

CreatiVelo meets Young Scientists
The world needs innovation and creative minds capable of tackling the climate crisis. Therefore, we attended last year’s Luxembourg International Science Expo to meet young

Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction
Earthbeat has been attending the Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia, as part of our Earthbeat Challenge, From Risk to Resilience, organised in

13 filmmakers from across the world celebrated in Earthbeat film challenge
The “Restoring balance with nature” Earthbeat Challenge was launched on August 5th and led up to the COP26 Climate Conference in November 2021. The initiative

Take part in the Earthbeat and UNDRR video challenge
Earthbeat has joined forces with UNDRR to launch a new global youth video challenge, addressing the theme of Risk to Resilience’. We want to amplify
Videos tagged with Life on land

The 17 targets
The Sustainable Development Goals
Find out about each goal and what kind of content (Videos, Posts etc) youth4planet provides.