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man in white dress shirt and blue denim jeans sitting on white and black solar panel

7. Affordable and clean energy

Renewable energy solutions are becoming cheaper, more reliable and more efficient every day. Our current reliance on fossil fuels is unsustainable and harmful to the planet, which is why we have to change the way we produce and consume energy. Implementing these new energy solutions as fast as possible is essential to counter climate change, one of the biggest threats to our own survival.
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Blog Posts tagged with Affordable and clean energy


CreatiVelo meets Young Scientists

The world needs innovation and creative minds capable of tackling the climate crisis. Therefore, we attended last year’s Luxembourg International Science Expo to meet young


Videos tagged with Affordable and clean energy

  • Hi there, I am CAT!

    This is our new team member CAT. CAT will be appearing in films again and again in the future, asking cheeky questions and helping us to make the planet a…

  • CreatiVelo meets the president of Eurosolar Luxembourg – Paul Zens

    We went to last year’s Eurosolar Luxembourg prize and conducted interviews with the President of Eurosolar, the former Luxemburgish Minister of Energy and Spatial Planning and with the renowned professor…

  • CreatiVelo meets professor of renewable energy systems – Volker Quaschning

    We went to last year’s Eurosolar Luxembourg prize and conducted interviews with the President of Eurosolar, the former Luxemburgish Minister of Energy and Spatial Planning and with the renowned professor…

  • CreatiVelo meets former Minister of Energy – Claude Turmes

    We went to last year’s Eurosolar Luxembourg prize and conducted interviews with the President of Eurosolar, the former Luxemburgish Minister of Energy and Spatial Planning and with the renowned professor…

  • CreatiVelo meets “The Water Battery”

    The world needs innovation and creative minds capable of tackling the climate crisis. Therefore, we attended last year's Luxembourg International Science Expo to meet young scientists and explore the ideas…

  • CreatiVelo meets “De Waasserrad Projet”

    You may know that Luxembourg’s biggest hydropower plant is located at the 'Stauséi' near Esch-sur-Sûre. But do you know about one of Luxembourg’s smallest water wheels? During the summer, we…

  • The 17 targets

    The Sustainable Development Goals

    Find out about each goal and what kind of content (Videos, Posts etc) youth4planet provides.
