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Updates on the y4p climate action dialogue & more

silhouette photo of six persons on top of mountain
Reading time: 2 min.
silhouette photo of six persons on top of mountain
22. Nov 2023

Exciting times! A lot is happening and we don’t always find the time to keeping you up to date at all times. Let me share with you briefly what has been going on lately!

Preparing for COP28

On 30th of November the COP28 climate conference in Dubai and will take place until the 12th of December. We will be streaming live everyday – bringing YOUR questions to the COP. Also we have confirmation that our broadcast will exclusively be played on the “We Dont Have Time“ programme everyday at 2pm CET. More on that later.

A call to action

And while we are working hard preparing everything, getting accreditations, booking flights and organising amazing events, you can UPLOAD your questions in the form of a video. Before COP starts, we will be posting them on all our social media channels for everyone to see. Here are some simple examples of how that could look like by pupils from Luxembourg:

We are on TikTok now

Speaking of social media, you can now follow us on TikTok @youth4planet. Being present on the number 1 platform used by young people all over the world, this was a missing piece in our social communication. You can also follow us on instagram, LinkedIn and facebook!

CreatiVelo in India

A bunch of students in India built their own CreatiVelos including an award event and even recognition by the Indian press! We will update you soon about all that was happening, but  it was such an exciting project. Stay tuned for more details coming in an upcoming post 🙂 Meanwhile you can watch the amazing little documentary made by 1Gen about the project:


The youth choir

As you may have heard, we will perform live at COP28 with an amazing song called “All of Us“ – together with YOUR recordings of the masterpiece. I just talked to Corinne Gibbons about the project and how you can participate – as a choir or even as an individual. We are excited about it!

Upload your recordings of the song here to be part of this unique experience.

More to come

There will be a lot happening in the upcoming days and weeks, so stay tuned! If you have questions, ideas, contributions – let us know! This is all about co-creation to tackle the big challenges for all humanity together.

Last Edited: 22. Nov 2023

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