Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
HONGERSNOUT **Lycée Robert-Schuman, Youth4planet Luxembourg**
Film über das Thema Hungersnot von Schülerinnen aus dem LRSL, Youth4planet Luxembourg 2024
THE GOLDEN JUICE, Ecole Privée Fieldgen/Fairtrade/Youth4planet Luxembourg
Dieser Film enstand von Schülerinnen und Schülern im Rahmen der option développement durable am Ecole Privée Fieldgen mit Hilfe von Fairtrade Luxembourg und Youth4planet Luxembourg. youth4planet Luxembourg 2024
About Youth4planet-Teil 1/3: Die Rolle der Workshopleiter*innen
Youth4Planet ist als Bildungsinstitution immer wieder an den Luxemburger Schulen unterwegs und begleitet angehende Filmemacher*innen zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit, orientiert an den 17 Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung der UN. Doch was…
Hi there, I am CAT!
This is our new team member CAT. CAT will be appearing in films again and again in the future, asking cheeky questions and helping us to make the planet a…
CreatiVelo meets the president of Eurosolar Luxembourg – Paul Zens
We went to last year’s Eurosolar Luxembourg prize and conducted interviews with the President of Eurosolar, the former Luxemburgish Minister of Energy and Spatial Planning and with the renowned professor…
CreatiVelo meets professor of renewable energy systems – Volker Quaschning
We went to last year’s Eurosolar Luxembourg prize and conducted interviews with the President of Eurosolar, the former Luxemburgish Minister of Energy and Spatial Planning and with the renowned professor…
CreatiVelo meets former Minister of Energy – Claude Turmes
We went to last year’s Eurosolar Luxembourg prize and conducted interviews with the President of Eurosolar, the former Luxemburgish Minister of Energy and Spatial Planning and with the renowned professor…
CreatiVelo meets “The Water Battery”
The world needs innovation and creative minds capable of tackling the climate crisis. Therefore, we attended last year's Luxembourg International Science Expo to meet young scientists and explore the ideas…
CreatiVelo meets “Ecological Clean World”
The world needs innovation and creative minds capable of tackling the climate crisis. Therefore, we attended last year's Luxembourg International Science Expo to meet young scientists and explore the ideas…
CreatiVelo Meets “The Smart Farm”
The world needs innovation and creative minds capable of tackling the climate crisis. Therefore, we attended last year's Luxembourg International Science Expo to meet young scientists and explore the ideas…
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