Your adventure in sustainability starts here — join the CreatiVelo Challenge 2024!  Find out more


What we do
The why, the when and the where
Long term impact with y4p action teams
Our mobile event studio
Global film challenges


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

for storytellers

In an ever-changing world, become a storyteller to make a difference!

Learn the art of filmmaking and transform your smartphone into a tool for storytelling. Join our community to share your message and inspire positive change.

for storytellers

In an ever-changing world, become a storyteller to make a difference!

Learn the art of filmmaking and transform your smartphone into a tool for storytelling. Join our community to share your message and inspire positive change.


In einer sich wandelnden Zeit macht deine Geschichte den Unterschied!

Wir leben in einer entscheidenden Zeit des Wandels. Um den Wandel in eine die richtige Richtung zu lenken, brauchen wir Geschichten, die positive Zukunftsbilder entwerfen.

Become a storyteller

Let's get creative together!

Work in a team and find like-minded people all over the world via the y4p network. Produce films together, tell stories and get creative on the topics that move you. Get in touch and we'll help you to bring y4p to your school or institution!
  • It was nice to start out creatively!

    Workshop participant

  • it's not as boring as school!


  • You learn how to cut and film videos :)

    Mallys, Valentina und Sally

  • I you're scared to try to make a difference, don't be!


  • It was quite interactive!

    Workshop participant

  • It was different!

    John Doe


Use the rolling media studio for your action team


Youth of the planet unite! Read and sign our manifesto for a better future!

Who we are

Learn about who we are and why we do what we do :)

Action Teams

Unite with others and create an action team
  • HONGERSNOUT **Lycée Robert-Schuman, Youth4planet Luxembourg**

    Film über das Thema Hungersnot von Schülerinnen aus dem LRSL, Youth4planet Luxembourg 2024

  • THE GOLDEN JUICE, Ecole Privée Fieldgen/Fairtrade/Youth4planet Luxembourg

    Dieser Film enstand von Schülerinnen und Schülern im Rahmen der option développement durable am Ecole Privée Fieldgen mit Hilfe von Fairtrade Luxembourg und Youth4planet Luxembourg. youth4planet Luxembourg 2024

  • Ein Leben ohne Fleisch? Niemals?! (Humboldt Gymnasium Trier)

    In einem grenzüberschreitendem Film-Projekt in der Grossregion setzten sich die Schülerinnen und Schüler der 6. Klasse des Humboldt Gymnasium Trier im Ethikunterricht mit den Themen Rassismus, Krieg und Ernährung auseinander.…

  • About Youth4planet-Teil 1/3: Die Rolle der Workshopleiter*innen

    Youth4Planet ist als Bildungsinstitution immer wieder an den Luxemburger Schulen unterwegs und begleitet angehende Filmemacher*innen zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit, orientiert an den 17 Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung der UN. Doch was…

  • SIAS-Climate and Biodiversity Day in Munsbach 2024

  • Semion & CAT @We Don’t Have Time broadcast

    On June 11th our team traveled to Bonn, Germany, to the SB60, also known as the “in-between COP. There Semion and CAT had the privilege of joining the broadcast of…

  • Storytelling Project Itzig, Luxembourg

    This project was great fun. The children from Itzig primary school learnt the skills to become filmmakers themselves and produced three different films dealing with the pollution of their schoolyard.

  • Hi there, I am CAT!

    This is our new team member CAT. CAT will be appearing in films again and again in the future, asking cheeky questions and helping us to make the planet a…

  • **Gefühle** Youth4planet Luxembourg / Maison Relais Rosport

    Enjoy the latest Y4P musical poem (RAP), written and performed by 9-11 year olds (including faces of some older counterparts, because they were not allowed to show their own) Info:…

  • CreatiVelo meets the president of Eurosolar Luxembourg – Paul Zens

    We went to last year’s Eurosolar Luxembourg prize and conducted interviews with the President of Eurosolar, the former Luxemburgish Minister of Energy and Spatial Planning and with the renowned professor…

  • 20

    CreatiVelo meets Young Scientists

    The world needs innovation and creative minds capable of tackling the climate crisis. Therefore, we attended last year’s Luxembourg International Science Expo to meet young
