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Joerg Altekruse
Founder of youth4planet
Joerg Altekruse, film director/producer/socialentrepreneur/academic/generalthinker.org, president of the German charity association Youth4planet e.V. (joerg@youth4planet.org) as well as the Youth4planet a.s.b.l., Luxembourg, is a lifelong filmmaker and producer, based in Hamburg, Germany, with a broad range of mainly documentary films, working with broadcasters worldwide, and a special personal interest in environmental, technological and social change topics. He used his skills to create art installations and exhibition concepts (at Expo2000) and for advising and creating campaigns mainly in working for/with the German state agency for public health, BZgA on topics like AIDS , children and smoking. His filmmaking for change concepts are based on the huge cooperation and learning opportunities in the digital sphere. Humans can reach the most incredible goals, climb the highest mountains, walk on the moon, if they learn to use the dynamic balance between the power of the individual, the group and and their common interest to reach this goal. He envisions the digital space as the most promising chance for the survival of mankind, through action based learning, the combined creativity in the cloud and global interaction.
Hamburg, Luxemburg
earthbeat, youth4planet International, youth4planet Luxembourg
Communicator, Founder, Initiator, Strategist