

What we do
The why, the when and the where
Long term impact with y4p action teams
Our mobile event studio
Global film challenges


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Our Mission and Vision

Harnessing the Power of Storytelling to Inspire a Sustainable Future

Y4P supports the transformation of society in accordance with the SDG’s. We are convinced of the power that unfolds in collaborative action for a barrier-free and fulfilling coexistence. We organize processes of self-empowerment that promote living in harmony with the diversity of the planet, based on mutual respect and responsibility. Our vision for the future is driven by the confidence that the seeds for responsible and sustainable action are planted in each of us.

Our Mission and Vision

Harnessing the Power of Storytelling to Inspire a Sustainable Future

Y4P supports the transformation of society in accordance with the SDG’s. We are convinced of the power that unfolds in collaborative action for a barrier-free and fulfilling coexistence. We organize processes of self-empowerment that promote living in harmony with the diversity of the planet, based on mutual respect and responsibility. Our vision for the future is driven by the confidence that the seeds for responsible and sustainable action are planted in each of us.

people, men, fire
  • Breaking the Narrative

    The Power of Storytelling


    Storytelling is a fundamental aspect of human culture that has been passed down through generations. From sharing stories around a fire to modern-day social media platforms – technology has expanded the ways in which stories are shared, creating new opportunities for engagement and impact. In today’s information age, storytelling has become an increasingly essential tool.

    As the young generation navigates unprecedented challenges, we acknowledge the power of compelling stories in shaping a narrative towards a better future. Therefore, we empower them to share their unique perspectives by providing them with the necessary tools.

  • Empowering Voices, Inspiring Change

    The process

    During our process, young people create short films using a powerful tool they already have in their pocket – their smartphones. They apply our simple storytelling framework (AND – BUT – THERFORE) and learn the basics of lighting, sound, editing, composition, and framing. To find ideas and Inspiration, we encourage them to engage with the 17 UN Development Goals for sustainable development. Working with partner organisations and experts, we provide them with resources and input or finding interview partners.

    Finally, we share their films on our website and social media, submit them to festivals and competitions, and even showcase them at events such as COP26 for world leaders and decision makers to see them.

    aerial photo of coastline
    • Create

      Finding Ideas for a sustainable planet based on the 17 Goals for sustainable development.

    • Make

      Turning the story into a film by using a smartphone

    • Share

      Sharing the videos through the y4p network

    Empowering further action

    Beyond filmmaking

    Young people can enhance their creativity by founding action teams and creating new campaigns and ideas by examining the themes of their stories. These initiatives are then supported by us.

    We also take part in various international events and create film challenges giving young people from all over the world a voice.

    A y4p process can lead to innumerable possibilities!

    • green trees beside body of water
    • woman holding green leafed seedling
    aerial photo of coastline
    woman holding green leafed seedling
  • Our vision for a greater tomorrow

    We have plans

    We have big plans to expand our reach and impact. Our vision is to bring together young people from all over the world to collectively create a positive future for generations to come. To achieve this goal, we are in the process of developing a social network and app that will allow young storytellers, organizations, and scientists to connect and collaborate worldwide.

    Our ultimate aim is to turn the tide on the major challenges facing our planet and empower young people to drive meaningful change. We believe that by working together and sharing our stories and ideas, we can create a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

  • Accent heading

    That's what others say

    When we as a community really see that what we do makes a difference, we keep moving. That’s how we can tackle climate change, but also other major challenges, together.

    Nick Krichewski

    Lehrer und BNE-Beauftragter, Hildesheim

    I was super surprised at how creative they get and how much they like researching and calculating. I usually address them [the pupils] in a more humanistic way in class and more with words, and now they are also approached to work a bit more scientifically. And of course the students who are interested find that really cool.

    Jutta Ruhmann

    Lehrerin, Schumann Gymnasium, Luxemburg

    One should not forget that the children are in principle the ones who suffer from what we have screwed up in the last decades. That’s why we ourselves are totally sensitive to all these environmental issues and also this energy issue. You can tell right away that the kids are up for it!


    y4p educator

    We have so many students who can get involved, who have ideas, who can actually show what they are capable of and what is possible. Not only in Germany, but all over the world, young people are joining forces and realising what they can do, experiencing effectiveness, learning about meaning, and also – en passant – realising where energy can be found.

    Margret Rasfeld

    Schule im Aufbruch, Frei-Day

    Actually for me it was the school that made me take the first steps to act! […] Luxembourg is doing a lot to educate more about climate change. For example, we have y4p, who are working together with the government and we have more and more topics about climate change in class.


    Student and activist from Luxemburg

    I don’t believe that young people can go out here and change the world. Immediately, from one moment to the next. They don’t have the tools. But I think it definitely gives the first impulse. It shows the way. I do think so!

    Janine Wahl

    for teachers & multipliers

    Learn how you can empower your students

    for students & storytellers

    Learn storytelling and filmmaking to have an impact

    for partners & friends

    Learn how working with us can move your topics forward

    Who we are

    Here you can find out about our engaging team and our story
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